Monday, March 30, 2009

What Do I Reflect?

Some days I am not a good example to my kids. Lately I was feeling sick and my head hurt; I did not show the best way to deal with life when you're running low. I took the low road... I was crabby.
Children have made me more aware of what face I show the world. Why is it that I'm more likely to "suck it up" and be cheery for the lady at the grocery store than I am for my children and hubby? Is it because they love me that they have to put up with my less than stellar days?
I believe these years at home are a training ground, a safe place, to learn the appropriate way to deal with life's ups and downs. So my example to my children everyday should be a lesson.
I will need to be more diligent to remember they do copy what they see, hear and practice.
"A Mother's Heart is a Child's Classroom." -unknown-

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